"The Avian Haven" presents a serene tableau against a dark backdrop, featuring a charming birdhouse with a triangular roof and multiple compartments, suspended from a wooden branch adorned with whimsical tassels. This tranquil scene exudes rustic charm and tranquility, inviting viewers to contemplate the beauty of nature's embrace. Framed in classic wood, the artwork, crafted with soft pastels on Pastelmat card 360gsm, captivates with its textured allure. Protected by a matte varnish, it ensures longevity while evoking a timeless sense of home and sanctuary, beckoning viewers to immerse themselves in its enchanting world.
Pastel Painting by Cat-arzyna
Height: 37m (14.57in)
Width: 28cm (11.02in)
Deep: 2.5cm (1in)
"The Avian Haven"